The 8th AIDA Europe Conference titled "Landfall of the Tech Storm" - How Technology is changing client interaction - Legal issues in distribution, claims and insurance services & other key developments in insurance and reinsurance was held in Lisbon, Portugal, on 3 & 4 October 2019.
The conference theme "Landfall of the Tech Storm" focused on the impact of technology upon the insurance industry and the changing client interaction, discussing the legal issues in distribution, claims and insurance services which technology is bringing. A special focus of the conference was on issues related to insurance distribution (incl. the new EU Insurance Distribution Directive 2018). This had also been the subject of an AIDA Europe Call for Papers, the results of which featured in the conference.
Further relevant topics of the Lisbon Conference included Artificial Intelligence in insurance business; Autonomous vehicles and the EU law where the particular ADIA Working Party covering this topic has entered into a cooperation with ASTIN (the International Actuarial Association); Issues on the international insurance programs, including Brexit and Hot-topics on the legal and regulatory front, currently facing the industry. Furthermore, a number of AIDA Working Parties addressed conference matching but also non-matching topics.
The conference also followed the developments since the last AIDA Europe Conference in Warsaw and looked at the developments on matters debated in Warsaw, notably the InsurTech related developments and a progress review on the project of Principles of Reinsurance Contract Law (PRICL).
For more information please visit the following link which leads you to the Conference details on the relevant AIDA World page:
During the conference, Ms Alkistis Christofilou - Committee Member of HILA and of AIDA Europe, Vice Chair of AIDA Distribution of Insurance Products Working Party and Partner of Rokas (Athens) - moderated the Hot Topics/ Key Developments session. The panel members and topics were the following:
- Hugo Borginho, Director of the Department of Risk Analysis and Solvency, Autoridade de Supervisão de Seguros e Fundos de Pensões – ASF, Lisbon: “Sustainable Finance for Insurance Undertakings”;
- Peggy Sharon, AIDA President, Partner, Levitan Sharon & Co, Tel Aviv / Israel : "Insurance Companies' own Exposure to Cyber Risks – The Liability and ORSA Perspective";
- Philipp Frech, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary, B3i Services AG, Switzerland: “DLT Platforms in Insurance”;
- Anthony Perotto, Partner, NCTM Milan, London: "Insurability of (GDPR) fines and penalties: European landscape and developments".
In addition, during the works of the conference, Ms Viktoria Chatzara, Senior Associate of Rokas (Athens), also presented her paper titled “The interplay between the GDPR and the IDD”, as one of the four winners of the AIDA Europe Young Authors Awards 2019.
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